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The Library's 25,000-volume book collection has been catalogued using the Dewey Decimal System. There are two card catalogues located near the circulation desk. There are at least three catalogue cards for each non-fiction book in our collection. You can search by Title, Author or Subject. When you find a book that interests you, look at the top left corner of the catalog card. You will find a code number that looks like this: 808.1 Write this number on a piece of scratch paper (available at the circulation desk). Write down the code numbers for every book you want to see. Now you may ask a librarian for assistance or you may locate the book yourself. See the map of the library. Several copies of this map are posted in the library. Fiction is shelved alphabetically by author. (See the map) You may search the fiction card catalog by Author and by Title. Paperback editions are shelved separately. Mysteries and Thrillers as well as Science Fiction are located in the South Wing hallway.