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| SPECIAL ISSUE: Americas Schools Public and Private "Conflict and
Consensus in American Public Ed", Tyack and Hansot;
"Political Coalitions for Public Education", Bailey;
"Loss of Support for Public Secondary Schools: Some Causes and Solutions",
"The Failure of High Schools and the Progress of Ed", Cohen and Neufeld;
"Who Will Teach in High School?", Atkin;
"The High School Principal: Man in the Middle", McAndrew;
"Literacy: A Goal for Secondary Schools", Graham; "The Character of
Education and the Education of Character", Grant;
"The Moral Function of the School", Kagan;
Daedalus, Vol. 110, N03, Summer 1981. |
| SPECIAL ISSUE: America's Schools Portraits and Perspectives
"Independant Schools: Landscape and Learning Qates;
"Portraits of Exemplary Secondary Schools: George Washington Carver Comprehensive
High School", Lightfoot;
"Secondary Schooling for Children of the Poor", Jackson;
"Portraits of Exemplary Secondary Schools: Highland Park", Lightfoot;
"Comprehending a WellRun Comprehensive: A Report on a Visit to a Large Suburban
High School" Jackson;
"Portraits of Exemplary Secondary Schools: St. Pauls School", Lightfoot;
"Secondary Schooling for the Privileged Few: A Report on a Visit to a New England
Boarding School", Jackson;
"On the Nature of Character: Some Preliminary Field Notes", Coles;
"A Community of Believers", Crim;
"Belief and Teaching", Healy;
Daedalus, Vol. 110, N04, Fall 1981. |
| Study of the Schools in Libertyville:
"Libertyville", Esielonis;
"Unscientific Ruminations on Schools in Libertyville", Marius;
"Confronting the Obvious: Social Class and its Devastating Effects on American
Schooling", Graubard;
"Teaching History in Libertyville", Evans;
"The Tower of Babel in Libertyville", Mueller;
Daedalus, Vol. 112, No.3, Summer 1983. |
| "Historical Perspectives on Literacy and Schooling Resnick |
| "The Difficulties of School: Probable Causes, Possible Cures", Gardner; |
| "Literacy in School and Out", Resnick; "Improving the Education of
Reading Teachers"; Daedalus, Vol. 119, N02, Spring 1990. |
| "Equal Education and the Law", Shanks, The American Scholar, Vol. 39, N02,
Spring 1970. |
| "Education for the Future", Muller, The American Scholar, Vol. 41, N03,
Summer 1972. |
| "Living with Kampf and Schalff: Literary Tradition and Mass Education", Howe, The
American Scholar, Vol. 43, N01, Winter 197374. |
| "Educational Innovations: Treasure and Dross", Smith, The American Scholar,
Vol. 43, N01, Winter 197374. |
| "Literacy and Literature", Howe, P.M.L.A, Vol. 89, N03, May
1974. |
| "The People Versus Literature", Rersenblatt, The American Scholar, Vol.
43, N04, Autumn 1974. |
| "Going Home Again: The New American Scholarship Boy Rodriguez;
"The Uncertain Future of the Humanistic Educational Ideal", The American
Scholar, Vol. 44, N01, Winter 197475. |
| "The Answer to Poverty?", Miller and Roby, Dissent, MarchApril
1970. |
| "The Good Old Days of the New York Public Schools", Wolfthal, Dissent,
Spring 1980. |
| "Science Education for the Non-Scientist" , Bernstein, The American Scholar,
Vol. 52, N01, Winter 198283. |
| "The SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), Amberg, The American Scholar, Vol. 51,
N04, Autumn 1982. |
| "Teacher Image and the Hidden Curriculum", Gebner, The American Scholar,
Vol. 42, N01, Winter 197273. |
| "Quietude, the Apocalypse, and Nostalgia: a Decade of Teaching", Wolf, The
American Scholar, Vol. 43, N01, Winter 197374. |
| "Public Schools: The Next Decade", Cohen, Dissent, April 1971. |
| "Leo Strauss: Becoming Naive Again", Dannhauser, American Scholar, Vol.
44, N04, Autumn 1975. |
| "The American Teacher", Giamatti, Dialogue, N052, 2/1981. |
| "School Days: A Journal (Teaching, Thinking, Struglling, Coping)", Meir, Dissent,
Spring 1992. |
| "Why Johnny Neednt Read (Cliff Notes)", Furnas, The American Scholar,
Vol. 61, N02, Spring 1992. |
| "The Continuing Crisis: Fashions in Education", Ravitch, The American
Scholar, Vol. 53, N02, Spring 1984. |
| "The Country School in the American Mind", Fuller, Journal of American
Culture, Vol. 7, N01/2, Spring Summer 1984. |
| "A Debate on Education", Ravitch and Meier, Dissent, Spring 1984. |
| "Getting Tough in the Schools", Meier, Dissent, Winter 1984. |
| "Why Reading Tests Dont Test Reading", Meier, Dissent Fall 1981. |
| "Student Evaluation", Aristides, The American Scholar, Spring 1987. |
| "What Should We Be Teaching?", Howe, Dissent, Fall 1988. |
| "Popular Culture: Medecine for Illiteracy and Associated Educational Ills",
Browne, Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 21, N03, Winter 1987. |
| "Education Relevant to Peoples Needs", Soedjatmoko, "Education and
Access to Modern Knowledge", Irele; Daedalus, Vol. 118, N01, Winter
1989. |
| "Pedagogy, Politics, and Gender", Conway, Daedalus, Vol. 116, N04,
Fall 1987 |
| "Memoirs of a Harvard Grader", Pappas, The American Scholar, Vol. 58, n03,
Summer 1989. |
| "Parallel Computing and Education", Fox, Daedalus, Vol. 121, N01,
Winter 1992. |
| "A Life of Learning", Kristeller, the American Scholar, Vol. 60, N03,
Summer 1991. |
| "Using Entertainment Television to Educate: A Case Study", Hinds, Journal
of Popular Culture, Vol. 25, N02, Fall 1991. |
| "Knowing Tornadoes and Other Things (theories of knowledge)", Diamond, New
Literary History, Vol. 22, N04, Autumn 1991. |
| "A Dissent of Multicultural Education", Schlesinger, Partisan Review,
Vol. 58, N04, 1991. |
| "Visiting Schools", Hadas, Partisan Review, Vol. 58, N04,
1991. |
| "The Closing of the American Mind: An Intellectual Best Seller
Revisited", Hook, the American Scholar, Vol. 58, N01, Winter 1989. |
| "Self-Esteem and Multiculturalism in the Public Schools", Hymowitz, Dissent,
Winter 1992.
| "The Government in the Classroom", Atkin; "The Disassembling of American
Education", Wood; "Whither Equality of Educational Opportunity?", Graham;
Daedalus, Vol. 109, N03, Summer 1980. |
| SPECIAL ISSUE: Values, Resources, and Politics in Americas s Schools
"A Nation at Risk Revisited", Holton;
"Schools: Cacophony About Practice, Silence About Purpose", Graham;
"Learning and Citizenship: Aspirations for American Ed", Lazerson, McLaughlin,
"Zeal, Cunning, Candor, and Persistence -- to what Educational Ends?",
"Civic Inclusion and Its Discontents", Eckstein; "A Commentary on Harry
Eckstein", Burnham;
"The Way They Were: Students in the Golden Age", Wolf thal;
"Some Very Modest Proposals for American Education Glazer;
Daedalus, Vol. 113, N04, Fall 1984. |
| America's Childhood:
"Early Childhood Education: Then and Now", Vinovskis;
"Americas Children and Their Elementary Schools", Cohen and Grant;
"Teachers and SchoolsWhat Makes a Difference: A Principals
Perspective", Marshall;
"Education: The Crucial Variable for Children?", Ziegler;
Daedalus, Vol. 122, N01, Winter 1993. |
| "In Defense of Public Education: Can It Be Saved?", Kohl, Dissent,
Spring 1993. |
| "A Talk to Teachers", Meier, Dissent, Winter 1994. |
| "Public Relations and Politics in the Public Schools: Barriers to Academic
Preparation for College", Lewis, Jr., The Journal of American History, Vol.81,
N03, December 1994. |
| "La représentaion de la famille dans les manuels scolaires de 1 époque
victorienne", Baudemont, RANAM, N0VIII, 1975. |
| "Lenseignement populaire en Ecosse de 1800 - 1930: reproduction, subversion,
récupération", Civardi; "La transmission des modèles culturels par
lécole", Hery, RANAM (Recherches An laises et Am~ricaines), N0XIV,1981. |
| "A Tale of Two School Systems: Funding in the United States and Italy", Nappi,
Dissent, Spring 1996. |
| "The Real Costs of Education", Rothstein, Dissent, Spring 1996. |
| "Sugar-Coated Sexism: A Girls School in Harlem", Epstein, Dissent,
Summer 1997. |
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Last modified: 26 Jan 2000