"Les étudiants face au changement de la société",
Meyer, Dialogue, Vol. 3, N04, 1972.
"Pourquoi les étudiants se révoltent-ils?", Klineberg, Dialogue,
Vol. 2, N01, 1971.
"Etudiants, Politique, et jeunes", Altbach, Dialogue, Vol. 1, N03,
"Reflection on International Student Riot", Stern, The American
Scholar, Vol. 40, N01, Winter 1970-71.
"The Shambles of Nanterre", Alia, Dissent, July-August 1970.
"Thinking Back to the Student Revolt", Paz, Dissent, Spring
"Student Unrest and Prolonged Adolescence", Berger, Dialogue,
Vol. 3, N04, 1970.
"A Student Looks at Student Protest", Keller, Dialogue Vol. 3,
N04, 1970.
"La debacle de lactivisme étudiant", Woodward, Dialogue,
Vol. 6, N04, 1975.
"Reflections on a Worn-Out Model", Frankel;
"The Legacies of Evil", Gerschenkron;
"An Epitaph for 2 Revolutions that Failed", Apter;
"Reflections on Student Unrest, Institurional Response and Curricular Change",
Daedalus, Vol. 103, N04, Fall 1974.
"Les étudiants activistes: une ésquisse", Lipset;
"Ce que veulent les étudiants...
Point de vue de la gauche libérale, Schwartz;
Lopinion dun conservateur, Steinberg;
Activisme sans rhétorique, Harris;
"Jeunesse, changement, et violence", Keniston;
"Jeunes radicaux dAmérique (1922)", Santayana;
"Les étudiants et la révolution", Labedz;
Dialogue, Vol. 1, N01, 1969.
"La Debacle de lactivisme étudiant", Woodward, Dialogue,
Vol.6, N04, 1975.