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| "Literary radicalism in America", Javid Bronwich, Dissent, Winter 1985. |
| "Intellectuals, Dissent, & bureaucrats", Irving Howe, Dissent,
Summer 1984. |
| "French intellectuals between the wars", Joseph Frank; Dissent, Winter
1984. |
| "The daughters of Karl Marx : experpts from a correspondence", Dissent,
Spring 1982. |
| "The denial of the dead: on the Faurisson affair", Nadine Fresco, Dissent,
Fall 1981. |
| "I walked with intellectuals", Sanford Schwartz, Dissent, Summer 1985. |
| "Writers and ethnicity", by Leonard Kriegel, Partisan Review, Vol.54,
No.1, 1987. |
| "The Politics of French Intellectuals", Dominique Schnapper, Partisan
Review, Vol. 54, No.2, Spring 1988. |
| "Intellectuals in Politics", Rorty, Dissent, Fall 1991. |
| "The Failure of the Interpreting Class or Intellectuals in the Two Germanies",
Lepenies, New Literary History, Vol. 22, No.4, Autumn 1991. |
| "America and The French Intellectuals", Nora, Daedalus, Vol. 107, No.1,
Winter 1978. |
| "On Intellectuals in Politics", Ross, Dissent, Spring 1992. |
| "Intellectuals and their Discontents", Shils, The American Scholar,
Spring 1976. |
| "Paradoxes of Blackness: Notes on the Crisis of Black Intellectuals", Kilson, Dissent,
Winter 1986. |
| "Politics and Identity among Black Intellectuals", Kilson, Dissent,
Summer 1981. |
| "Dilemmas of Black Intellectuals", Watts, Dissent, Fall 1989. |
| Special Issue: Intellectuals and Social Change in Central and Eastern Europe", Partisan
Review, Vol. 59, No.4, 4/1992. |
| Intellectual Life: New York, Irving Howe, Partisan Review, Vol. 49, No.4, 1982. |
| "Beyond Exile: A Postcolonial Intellectual Abroad", Hassan, The Southern
Review, Vol. 29, No.3, July 1993. |
| "The Scholarly Life", Able, The American Scholar, Vol. 39, No.1, Winter
1969-1970. |
| "Program for the Mini-Intellectual", Johnson, The American Scholar,
Vol. 39, No.1, Winter 1969-1970. |
| "Who Will Save the Scholarly Book?", Benjamin, The American Scholar,
Vol. 41, No.2, Spring 1972. |
| "The Scholarly Life", Highet, The American Scholar, Vol. 41, No.4,
Autumn 1972. |
SPECIAL ISSUE: Intellectuals and Tradition, Vol. 101, No.2, Spring 1972, DAEDALUS.
| "Writers and the Great Beast", Manea, Partisan Review, Winter 1/1994. |
| "The Future of the Intellectuals", Lepenies, Partisan Review, Winter
1/1994. |
| "French Intellectuals: End of an Era?" Wieviorka, Dissent, Spring 1994. |
| "Writers for the Defense of Culture" , Shattuck, Partisan Review,
No.3/1984. |
| "The Culture of Scholarship in Europe Today", Marga, Daedalus, Vol.
123, No.3, Summer 1994. |
| "Why Intellectual Conservatism Died", bind; "Movements and
Campaigns" (in relation to intellectual discourse), Rorty; Dissent, Winter
1995. |
| "Foreign Policy and Academia", Newsom, Foreign Policy, No.101, Winter
19951996. |
| "The New York Intellectuals: Some Personal History", Dickstein, Dissent,
Spring 1997. |
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Last modified: 26 Jan 2000