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"Le syndicalisme dans la fonction publique", Kassalow, Dialogue,
Vol. 1, No.2, 1970.
"Barriers and Individualism in the Path of American Unions",
Brody, Dissent, Winter 1989.
"Hard Times for Labor", Moberg, Dissent, Winter 1989.
"Unions and the Black Power Brokers", Sexton, Dissent,
February 1971.
"Labor's Decade: Maybe", Sexton and Sexton, Dissent,
August 1971.
"Organizing a Labor College", Sexton, Dissent, Summer
"Labor Leaders, Intellectuals, and Freedom in the Unions",
Benson, Dissent, Spring 1973.
"The Unions and the Mobs", Mills, Dissent, Winter
"Unions, Economic Power and the State", Kuttner, Dissent,
Winter 1986.
"A Troubled Union and its New Leader", Kuttner, Dissent,
Spring 1985.
"What do Unions Really Do?", Tyler, Dissent, Fall 1984.
"Will Unions Organize Again?", Kuttner, Dissent,
Winter 1987.
"Unions, Pension Funds, and the Economy", Chilarducci Dissent,
Fall 1988.
"What the Washington Labor Lobbyists Do", Caplan, Dissent,
Spring 1975.
"From a Labor Journal", Marquart, Dissent, Summer
"Labor's Role In American Politcs", Puddington, Dialogue,
Vol. 12, No.2, 1979.
"Past and Future Tendencies in American Labor Organizations",
Dunlop, Daedalus, Winter 1978.
"The Labor Theory of Value Revisited", Heilbroner, Dissent,
Winter 1980.
"Recent Trends in American Labor", Brooks, Dialogue, Vol. 12,
No.4, Fall 1979.
"Equality and the Division of Labor: Toward the Self-Management of
Time", Sirianni, Dissent, Vol. 32, N04, Fall 1985.
"Labor's Risky Plunge into Politics", Meyerson, Dissent,
Summer 1984.
"British Labour After Defeat", Rustin, Dissent, Winter 1988.
"Return of the Sweatshop", Mort, Dissent, Summer 1988.
"The Democrats: Feuds and Factions (AFL-CIO)", Clark,
Dissent, Fall 1974.
"Mid-Life Crisis: The National Labor Relations Board at
Fifty", Bernstein and Gold, Dissent, Spring '85.
"Human Capital and Economic Policy (Labor's Unadapted
Skills)", Reich, Dissent, Summer 1983.
"Change and Conflict in the AFL-CIO", Herling, Dissent, Fall
"The Whip and the Bee: Diary from the Grape Strike"
"A United Federation of Teachers Victory among Non-white
Workers", Kemble; "Workers, Black and White: DRUMbeats in
Detroit Brooke; "Confrontation in Pittsburg", Plastrik; Dissent,
January-February 1970.
"Workers (Female) Arise!", Sexton; "On Limits of
'Corporate Responsability'", Tyler; Dissent, Summer 1974.
"Disruption, Organization, and Reform: A Critique of Poor People's
Movements", Massad, Dissent, Winter 1980.
"Bread and Roses, Crusts and Thorns: The Troubled Story of
1199", Fink, Dissent, Spring 1986.
"The Politics of Patriotism: Americanization and the CIO",
Gerstle, Dissent, Winter 1986.
THE STATE OF THE UNIONS: "A Talk with Owen Bieber of the UAW",
Widick; "AFSCME Victory in California", Kusnet; Dissent, Fall
1983. "'Labour isn't working': The State of the British Labour
Movement", Jones, Dissent, Fall 1983. "The Divided Soul of Labor
Leadership", Benson, Dissent, Summer 1980. "The British Labour
Party and the Social Democrats", Rustin, Dissent, Summer 1981.
"The UAW: Tooling Up for the 80s", Kornblum; "Organizing
at the Grass Roots", Eaton and Scharff; Dissent, Fall 1979.
"L'ouvrier américain et la conscience de classe", Wilensky,
Dialogue, Vol. 3, No.3, 1972.
"Mouvement ouvrier aux USA: un bilan", Seligman, Dialogue,
Vol. 2, No.1, 1971.
"Le Monde du Travail", Dialogue, Vol. 6, No.3, 1975.
SPECIAL ISSUE: The World of the Blue-Collar Worker'', Dissent, Winter
"The Right to be Lazy", Patcher; "Work, Alienation, and
Social Control", Bell; "Old Working Class, New Working
Class", Harrington; Dissent, Spring 1974.
"Blue Collars, Cap and Gown", Wright and Hamilton, Dissent,
Spring 1978.
"Women and Work", Coser, Dissent, Winter 1980.
"Work and Workers in the 1980s", Bensman, Dissent, Vol. 29,
No.3, Summer 1982.
"Toward a Brave New Workplace?", Howard, Dissent, Winter
"Labor's Vatican II: in Search of New Goals, New Methods",
Tyler, Dissent, Fall 1986.
"The Decline of Worker's Incomes/The Weakening of Labor's
Positione, Brand, Dissent, Summer 1985.
Work and Workers in the 1980s: "Problems of Symbolic Toil",
Zuboff; "Work and Technology in Telephone~~ , Newman; "An
Experiment in Worker Ownership", Sklar; Dissent, Winter 1982.
"On the Economic Condition of American Workers", Brand
Dissent, Summer 1981.
SPECIAL SECTION: LABOR'S FUTURE? The Breakdown of Labor's Social
Contract, Brody. Training a Skilled Work Force, Reich. The New, Young
Organizers, Kusnet. Class Interest, Liberal Style, Packer. On Becoming a
Movement, Trumka. Beyond Industrial Unionism, Kessler-Harris, Silverman.
"Employee Involvement' Plans, Metzgar. Union Busting, Past and
Present, Moberg. How the Media "Cover" Labor, Mort. The Decline
of Labor, Salvatore. Dissent, Winter 1992.
"The Dismissal of British Labour", Fyvel, Dissent,
November-December 1970.
"Le syndicalisme dans la fonction publique", Kassalow,
Dialogue, Vol. 1, N02, 1970.
"Union Democracy Triumphs Over Organized Crime", Benson,
Dissent, Spring 1992.
"Worker Ownership in Russia", Logue and Bell, Dissent, Spring
"The Perils of a Dual Economy", Harrington and Levin- son,
Dissent, Vol. 32, N04, Fall 1985.
"The CIO After 50 Years", Brody, Dissent, Vol. 32, N04, Fall
"Reform Currents in the Buildi'ig Trades", Gershman, Dissent,
July-August 1970. - "The Conflict at Caterpillar: The UAW in the
'Post Strike' Era", Mills, Dissent, Fall 1992. - "In the Years
of Perestroika: Workers' Actions, Workers'Politics in the USSR",
Werth, Dissent, Fall 1992.
"Work in a New America", Kanter, Daedalus, Winter 1978.
"Labor's Return to Power in Israel", Doron, Current History,
Vol. 92, N0570, January 1993.
"What Labor Wants - And Needs", Mort; "Unions and the
New Administration", Rothstein; Dissent, Spring 1993.
"Dishing It Out: Waitresses and Their Unions", Montgomery,
Dissent, Summer 1993.
"Industrial Policy: Will Clinton Find the High-Wage Path?",
Faux, Dissent, Fall 1993.
"Remembering Cesar Chavez", Mills, Dissent, Fall 1993.
"Boss, Workman, Wife: Sneaking-Home Tales", Green, Journal of
American Folklore, Vol. 106, N0420, Spring 1993.
"The Future of the Labor Movement in Historical Perspective"
,Brody, Dissent, Winter 1994.
"The New Abolitionism", Merrill, Dissent, Spring 1994.
"Europe Jobless, America Penniless?", Krugman, Foreign
Policy, N095, Summer 1994.
"Health Security for All: Social Unionism and Univer~sal Health
Insurance, 1935-1958", Derickson, Journal of American History, Vol.
80, N04, March 1994.
"Labor Law Reform and Postindustrial Unionism", Cobble,
Dissent, Fall 1994.
"Labor's Troubles", Mort, Dissent, Spring 1995.
"Criminalizing the Rights of Labor", Brody, Dissent, Summer
"Can Labor Change?", Moberg, Dissent, Winter 1996.
"A Strategy for Labor", Rathke & Rogers, Dissent, Fall
ARTICLES: Labor's Renewal? "Rebuilding the Alliance", Fraser
& Freeman; "Back to Class Politics", Rorty; "Time for a
New Contract", Sweeney; "Justice for Janitors", Waldinger
et al.; "Another Look at NAFTA", Compa; "Cross-Border Labor
Solidarity", Cook; Dissent, Winter 1997.
"Work Rights, Individual Rights" (discusses the Wagner Act of
1935), Lichtenstein, Dissent, Spring 1997.
"Labor Elections: Good for Workers?", Brody; "Yale on
Trial: Scholarly Life in the Age of Downsizing" Lafer; Dissent,
Summer 1997.
"Making Them Flinch: Five Riddles for the Labor Movement",
Glenn, Dissent, Fall 1997.
"Mexican Labor: Cracks in the Monolith", Payne, Dissent
Winter 1998.
"Racial Differences in Supervisors' Attitudes Toward
Coworkers", Hoffman, Journal of Black Studies, vol.18, N02, December
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Last modified: 26 Jan 2000