"From behind the barbed wire: New Polish
writing", Special section , Partisan Review No.4, volume XLIX,
Introduction by Stanislaw Baranczac
Two Poems by Adam Zagajewski
Letters from Bialoleka Prison, by Andrzej Zagozda
Two Stories by Marek Nowakowski
Diary of an Internment by Wiktor Woroszylski
Polish Intellectuals, by Stanislaw Baranczac, American
Scholar, vol. 51. No. 4, Autumn 1962.
"The Polish Complex" Stanislaw Baranczak, Partisan
Review No3.3 1984
"The Future of the Polish winter", Wojciech
Sacturski, Dissent, Winter 1985.
James B. Rule on The Changes in Poland, Dissent
Fall 1990.
"Poland", Howe, Bratkowski, etc. Dissent,
Vol. 29, N02, Spring 1982.
"Poland", Hilosz, Lourie, etc. Dissent,
Vol. 29, N03, Summer 1982.
"Letter from Warsaw" Kowalik, Dissent,
Winter 1994.
"Unpleasant Truths about Eastern Europe", Szulc;
"Poland: Bulwark or Bridge?", Garnett; Foreign Policy,
No.102, Spring 1996.
"The Polish Revolution", Kowalik, Dissent,
Spring 1997.
"The Declaration of Independence in Poland",
Kutnik, Journal of American History, Vol.85, No.4, March 1999.
"A week in Warsaw" Stanley Engelstein ; Dissent
Spring 1986.
"Jacek Kuron on the Present Situation", by Lucy
Komisar ; Dissent, Spring 1986.
"Voices from Poland: 1. The restoration of
order", by Stanislaw Baranczak", From a Warsaw Diary", by
Kasimierz Brandys; Dissent, Winter 1984.
"Poland: must history repeat itself?" Lukacz
Socha ; Dissent, Spring 1983.
"Prom the prisons of Poland" two activists tell
what happened after martial Law; Dissent, winter 1983.
"Poland", by Ozeslaw Milosz, Richard Lourie,
Adam Michnik, Jan Kott; Dissent, Summer 1982.
Poland. 1. The revolt of the workers, by A; Brumberg,
2. A revolt for the possible, by S. Bratkowski,
3. That next in Poland , by J. Kuron, Dissent, Winter 1981.
"Poland", by Irving Howe and others; Dissent,
Spring 1982.
"Church and democracy in Poland: Two views by 1.
Leszek Kolakowski, 2. Jan Gross, Dissent, Summer 1980.
"Poland Building socialism in one country",
James B. Rule, Dissent, Fall 1981
"Shall we call a general strike? Transcript of a
historic meeting of solidarity", introduction and translation by
Abraham Brumberg, Dissent, Summer 1981.
" PolishJewish relations during the war :
interpretation", by Jan Gross ; Dissent, winter 1987.
"The mission that failed : an interview with Jan
Karski", by Maciej Kozlowski; Dissent, summer 1987.
"Poland: State and/or Society", Abraham Brumberg.
Dissent, Winter 1989.
"Poland takes the Plunge", by Lawrence Weschler.
Dissent, Spring 1990.
"Poland 1990", by Stanislaw Baranczak, in Partisan
Review, No.4, 1990.
"Anti-semitism and intellectuals in Poland", by
A. Brumberg, in Dissent, Winter 1991.
The Face and faith of Poland, National Geographic,
Vol 161, No.4, April 1984
"The Costs of Shock Therapy: Economic
Transition in Poland", Kowalik, Dissent, Fall 1991.
"The Puzzle of Poland", Curry, Current
History, Vol. 91, No. 568, November 1992
"Can Poland Afford the Swedish Model?" Kowalik, Dissent,
Winter 1993.
"Closing the File on Erlich and Alter", Isserman,
Dissent, Spring 1993.